Part Time Professionals - The Executive EdgeThe Executive Edge...
Part time professional

Other Part Time Professional Resources

Part Time Professionals now represents more than accountants.

Whilst our origins are in the accounting profession, we acknowledge that clients can also greatly benefit from being able to resource consultants with other backgrounds and from other disciplines.

We are now pleased to provide your company with access to consultants experienced in areas including:

  • IPO Project Management
  • Marketing
  • Law
  • Administration and Project Management
  • Company Secretarial
  • Treasury Management
  • General Managers and CEOs

To find out more about our other Part Time Professional resources, give us a call on 1300 79 1946 or email us today to find out how we can help your business!

Give Your Business
"The Executive Edge"

Our principals are members of the following organisations

Institute of chartered accountantsCPA AustraliaNational tax agents associationInstitute of company directorsNational Institute of Accountants